Restoration Now Available!

Yes, we do!

Forever Scanning is excited to announce we offer photo restoration services! 
An example of Restoration Services (he has a cigar in his mouth!)

With many clients asking for it, you can now get your photos scanned, digitized AND professionally restored. With years of experience in restoring and retouching our Photo Restoring Specialist is there to meet your needs, such as, color enhancement, adding or subtracting people/objects, tear and stain repair and much, much more! 

The first step is to decide exactly what you want done to your photo(s). Are we fixing cracks, removing water damage, adding or removing someone into the picture? Give us a call, snap a photo and send me a text and let us know.

After setting up an appointment and dropping off the photo(s), or emailing what you've scanned, the restoration will take place. You'll get to preview it before purchasing. If you change your mind on what you want done, we can restore it again once for free. It's important to decide what you want done before you call, saving everyone time. 

When the photo is just right, I'll complete the order and give you a call. Easy as that!

We look forward to further serving your needs!