Happy Scan Customers!

Read All About It: ForeverScanning Client Reviews

"Thank you for doing such a great job on the photo scanning! I am very pleased with the results and very much appreciate your service." 
123 Negatives 
 Matt D. Minnesota 

"I will forever be grateful for what you did for me. I can still never say thank you enough for scanning my family photos. That has been a great blessing to me."
 4818 Photos
Marilyn, Iowa
"I'm loving the slides and all is working out much better than I thought it could. Identical to the decades-old slides, and now I can add such color and adjust things on my PC and enhance them to look absolutely spectacular on screen! You really nailed it! And some, made me remember things that I'd forgotten and cherish, some even made me sad for the good old days. But mostly...joy in seeing and recreating great moments in my and my family's lives. You're so right about the value of our photos, Jenni! But I didn't realize how much they'd mean to me until I saw them on my flat screen PC or TV set!"
3865 Slides  
Dan H., Minnesota 

"I was thrilled with how the DVD (Slide-show) turned out with a blast from the past!"
485 Slides
Bettsy O., Minnesota   

"What a time saver! I've always dreamed of this. Now the new technology is here to have accomplished this very quickly. Sharing all or some of our thousands of family photos has been a great joy and pleasure for us and all those who have received them. Thank you Jenni for your passion and love for helping others. We will be forever grateful and tell all we know about what you do!"
6,122 Photos 
Mark E., Iowa

"We suffered damage in our basement this week and...one of [our friends] told about getting water damage in a box of photographs she had next to a leaking bottle of water she keeps for her steam iron.  I thought that it is a wonderful technology that allows all of our children to have copies of the pictures we have taken all these years.  It is a way of protecting them when all the family members have access to the photos and not just us as their parents.  We thoroughly enjoy looking at them and recalling the events they represent and the loved ones they capture for our memory."
3773 Photos  
Charlene B., Nevada   
It made Grandpa Happy!
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! 

"Hochee and Jasmine recommend scanning!"